Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What can YOU do????

Hmmm....ok so I know I don't have many readers but everyone has to start somewhere right?! I went to bed last night worrying and thinking, yeah I know we are not supposed to worry it does no good. I know God's got it but I still have issues with surrendering my worries to him and letting things happen in his way and his timing. I read everyday on my Facebook groups about families trying so hard to raise funds to adopt, children being neglected and abused both here in the US and overseas and my heart just aches. Of course the easy thing to do is just avoid or ignore these things and go blissfully on ignorant of the worlds suffering. Easier yes, right no. Everyone can do something...pray, donate your time or money to a good cause, tell others about what's happening in our world. I'm not even saying you have to support adoption just find a worthy cause you are passionate about and do something. We all can do little things and all those small things add up to something big and you never know who you are going to inspire or touch. If you know a family who is adopting pray for them and do something nice doesnt have to be expensive maybe just a card encouraging them, offer to watch their kids so the parents can have a date night. If you know a family with a sick child pray for them and again offer to help housecleaning, meal cooking, grocery shopping whatever you can do! When you are grocery shopping how about picking up a few extra canned goods or cans of pet food to donate, or personal hygiene products to donate to a homeless shelter. The ways to help are endless and I just get tired of people saying they can't do anything because they aren't rich. Prayer is free people and the most powerful tool of all!!! Ok so getting off my platform now!!! Today I am going to be working on the dreaded "B" word....BUDGET:( we need a list of all our monthly expenses for our home study and we also need to keep better track of our spending and see where cuts can be made so we can put back as much money as we can into our savings acct for this adoption. I hate the "B" word, I have gotten used to buying whatever I felt like at the grocery store and if I wanted Starbucks or mcdonalds just driving thru. Well all that has stopped. If we don't need it I won't be buying it, I'm not saying we won't ever have extras we will but they will be rareities not the norm! So anyway wish me luck I'm off to stress myself out when I realize how much we spend every month on bills:(

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