Tuesday, October 23, 2012

These are some of the things we are selling to help with our adoption funds. I have another craft show this weekend and I'm really hoping to sell a lot of my hairbows and magnets! Not only that but just hoping to get our story out there to more people so maybe just maybe more people will take a minute and think about orphans and what they can do to help. Most of the paperwork for our dossier will be in the kids country early next week and the rest hopefully a week or so after that. So now the waiting will begin on the paperwork side and the serious begging for help with our fundraisers will start. We will need to have the rest of our funds by the time we travel in a couple of months hopefully.....so wanna buy a bracelet? or a hair bow? or a hair bow holder? or sugar scrubs? or glycerin soaps? lol thought I'd at least try!!! Well be praying for my friends Janice and Tim while they are over in the country right now geting ready to go see their new kiddos. They have already met them so its just a reunion but its still a scary process for the kids. Tim and Janice also need some more money due to some medical issues here with their youngest son. If you feel generous they have a tax deductible acct through Reeces Rainbow and I am having an auction for them on facebook the page is called Auction for The Rowe Family, adopting two teens from Eastern Europe.


  1. how much are the items? specifically the necklaces

  2. The necklaces are $5 each shipped, I also have magnets sets that are adoption themed and hairbows. Some phrases I have are I'm paper pregnant, proud adoptive mom, my child grew in my heart, blessed by adoption, I <3 adoption, superman was adopted, peace love adopt and adoption rocks.


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